Cureveda invested lots of money in paid advertising on Amazon yet their monthly sales figures (in terms of orders and value) did not improve by more than 5%. This was despite increasing their advertising budgets by 25%.
Our Approach
Firstly, we anaylised their competition and found out that two of their close competitors - Oziva and Kapiva, were driving significant sales in the same product category solely due to their longer market existence. We re-strategised the campaign and started extensive marketing our their product - ‘Pureparsh’ against other competitors. We took advantage of catchy taglines like - ‘Sugerfree Chyavanprash/Jaggery-based Chyavanprash’. This triggered brand awareness and we succeeded in getting initial customers. Soon after, we started targeting our self ASIN for our entire catalog to increase the consideration for other products as well. We even targeted competitors' ASINs simultaneously which helped us get a momentum of sales on our entire catalog and reach 86% growth in customer acquisition within 6 months.